Discover how alternative protein can address global food shortages and help create a sustainable agricultural future ...
Plastic waste is a global problem, and the food sector is one of its main drivers. It only takes a quick visit to a ...
Melt&Marble has scaled its fat fermentation process to tens of thousands of liters, paving the way for commercial scale ...
MiAlgae—a startup growing microalgae in fermentation tanks to produce omega-3s—has raised £14m to scale production.
The family-owned giant, which employs nearly 6,000 staff in Russia, will “scale back” its business but continue to sell human ...
Recent research showed that nearly half (49%) of 16-24 year olds have never considered a career in the food and drink ...
In a close election, calling out ‘price-gouging’ may not be enough to sway voters—or lower grocery bills. But other, real ...
Key industry stakeholders have urged the government to look at key reforms to improve the spirits sector going forward.
As the federal government spurs the re-shoring of semiconductor manufacturing in the US, the industry faces a hard fact: ...
Industrial heat, which is used by companies as diverse as breweries and food processors to chemical manufacturers and paper ...