The social media app says new privacy settings and features will create more age-appropriate experiences for youth under 18.
District leaders say they hope the new policy, approved last June, is less burdensome. But many worry it will lead to more ...
Expenses can escalate dramatically for those whose children participate in more competitive travel teams. For example, ice ...
Chances are you have either watched, listened to or read about a youth sports event recently. Whether it is football, ...
Parents feel the weight of the responsibility of raising kids. It translates as stress, even if they are healthy, organized and financially stable.
Parents and coaches, listen up. These 10 unwritten rules can prevent arguments and fights in the stands, youth sports ...
Children in hunter-gatherer societies are rarely the main object of their parents’ attention. Read more at
When Monisha Sharma looked into swim lessons for her daughter, she decided to take an unconventional route to save costs.
Why are sports physicals important for your kid? An expert at UChicago Medicine Comer Children’s Hospital fills us in.
Are we doing the same for our kids with their sports? Parents and coaches often have their own unwritten rules: Don’t run up the score on a weaker opponent; don’t cheer when that opponent ...
"I think a lot of people are feeling like it's harder and harder to afford," said Scheele, who has spent much of his career advising parents on how to budget for their kids' high-level sports ...