It stands metres high, takes a decade to flower, smells like death and draws huge crowds when it blooms. But scientists are ...
While plant stem cells have not received the same spotlight, they hold immense potential for advancing agriculture and food ...
Animals from primates to bees have been found to self-medicate in one form or another — and great apes are no exception. One ...
Plant blindness is a growing concern, and one Otago academic has set out to do something about it. The term, coined in 1998 ...
Guinea grass is a highly flammable invasive plant species, which greatly contributed to the Maui wildfires. The species is ...
In a new study, researchers find that disruptions to the community of microbes that live inside the leaves of a spindly plant ...
Jess talks with California State University, Los Angeles Biology Department Chair Dr. Kirsten Fisher about desert mosses, ...
As the famed British naturalist David Attenborough noted, “In our hands now lies not only our own future but that of all ...
Purdue University plant scientists have identified a protein that plays a previously unknown role in controlling cell ...
Glen Hood, Ph.D., assistant professor of biological sciences in Wayne State University’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences ...
Treehoppers communicate using plant vibrations. Cocroft’s research reveals their fascinating communication and ecological role.
Brown University ecologists teamed with National Park Service scientists in Yellowstone to answer a vexing question about how ...